Bamboo juice (Zhuli)


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Bamboo juice (Zhuli)

Phyllostachys nigra

Pharmaceutical Name: Saccus Bambusae in Taeniam.
Botanical Name: 1. Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis Stapf; 2. Bambusa tuldoides Munro; 3. Sinocalamus breecheyanus (Munro) McClure var. pubescens P. F. Li
Common Name: Bamboo juice.
Source of Earliest Record: Mingyi Bielu.
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The bamboo juice is collected after the green bamboo has been burned.
Properties & Taste: Sweet and cold.
Meridians: Lung and stomach.
Functions: To clear heat and resolve phlegm.
Indications & Combinations:
1. Phlegm-heat cough manifested as cough with thick, yellow sputum and chest pain: Bamboo juice (Zhuli) is used with Loquat leaf (Pipaye) and Trichosanthes fruit (Gualou).
2. Windstroke due to heart misted by phlegm, epilepsy or manic psychosis: Bamboo juice (Zhuli) is used with Ginger juice (Jiangzhi).
Dosage: 30-50 g
Cautions & Contraindications: This herb is contraindicated for cough caused by cold and in cases with diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency.


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