Asarum herb (Xixin)


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Asarum herb (Xixin)

Pharmaceutical Name: Herba asari cum Radice.
Botanical Name: 1. Asarum hetrotropoides Fr. var. mandshuricum (Maxim.) Kitag. 2. A. sieboldii Miq.
Common Name: Asarum herb, Wild ginger.
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing.
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The entire plant is gathered in summer and dried in the shade.
Properties & Taste: Pungent and warm.
Meridians: Lung and kidney.
Functions: 1. To dispel cold and stop pain; 2. To warm the lungs and resolve phlegm-damp; 3. To relieve nasal congestion.
Indications & Combinations:
1. Headache, toothache and obstruction pain: a) wind-cold headache Asarum herb (Xixin) is used with Chuanxiong rhizome (Chuanxiong) in the formula Chuanxiong Cha Tiao San; b) wind-cold toothache Asarum herb (Xixin) is used with Dahurian angelica root (Baizhi); c) toothache due to excessive heat in the stomach Asarum herb (Xixin) is used with Gypsum (Shigao) and Scutellaria root (Huangqin); d) wind-cold-damp obstruction syndrome (joint pain) Asarum herb (Xixin) is used with Notopterygium root (Qianghuo), Ledebouriella root (Fangfeng) and Cinnamon twigs (Guizhi).
2. Wind-cold exterior syndromes manifested as chills, fever, headache and general pain: Asarum herb (Xixin) is used with Notopterygium root (Qianghuo) and Ledebouriella root (Fangfeng) in the formula Jiuwei Qianghuo Tang.
3. Cold phlegm fluid attacking the lungs manifested as asthma and cough with profuse, clear sputum: Asarum herb (Xixin) is used with Ephedra (Mahuang) and Dried ginger (Ganjiang) in the formula Xiao Qinglong Tang.
4. Rhinorrhea manifested as copiously running nose, nasal congestion and headache: Asarum herb (Xixin) is used with Angelica root (Baizhi), Magnolia flower (Xinyi) and Mentha (Bohe).
Dosage: 1-3 g.
Cautions & Contraindications: This herb is contraindicated in headache due to deficient yin and hyperactivity of yang, or cough caused by heat in the lungs.


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