Areca seed (Binglang)


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Areca seed (Binglang)

Pharmaceutical Name: Semen arecae.
Botanical Name: Areca cathechu L.
Common Name: Areca seed, Betel nut.
Source of Earliest Record: Mingyi Bielu.
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The seeds from the ripe fruit are collected in winter or spring. They are dried in the sun, soaked in water and cut into slices.
Properties & Taste: Pungent, bitter and warm.
Meridians: Stomach and large intestine.
Functions: 1. To kill parasites; 2. To promote qi circulation; 3. To promote water metabolism
Indications & Combinations:
1. Parasites in the intestines (especially tapeworm): Areca seed (Binglang) is used with Pumpkin seed (Nanguazi).
2. Retention of food with abdominal distension and constipation or tenesmus in dysentery: Areca seed (Binglang) is used with Costus root (Muxiang), Bitter orange (Zhiqiao) and Rhubarb (Dahuang) in the formula Muxiang Binglang Wan.
3. Edema: Areca seed (Binglang) is used with Poria peel (Fulingpi) and Alismatis rhizome (Zexie).
4. Swollen and painful legs: Areca seed (Binglang) is used with Chaenomeles fruit (Mugua), Evodia fruit (Wuzhuyu) and Perilla leaf (Zisuye).
5. Side-effect of vomiting caused by intake of the herb Dichroa root (Changshan): Areca seed (Binglang) used with Dichroa root (Changshan) can lessen the latter's side-effect.
Dosage: 10-15 g.
Cautions & Contraindications: This herb is contraindicated in a person with weakness of the spleen accompanied by diarrhea.


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